Mortgage Affordability Calculator

Estimate how much house you can afford

How Much House Can You Afford?

This calculator helps you get a general estimate.  For a more personalized experience, the Home Insight© Planner can help you view current interest rates and create, compare and save personalized loan scenarios to estimate a monthly mortgage payment that works best for you. Using your estimated budget, you can search for and view homes by city, state or zip code. 

Calculators are provided for educational and informational purposes only. Estimates and other information generated is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed.

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You’ll enter your information; you can choose to calculate by your income and other debt payments you make or what monthly payment you’re comfortable with. Based on your information, the calculator determines the maximum home value you may be able to afford.

The calculator lets you enter your desired terms. You can choose whether to calculate based on your income or enter your own payment amount.

Your results will show the maximum home value you may be able to afford with the monthly payments calculated or entered. You can change the down payment amount, term and estimated interest to see how they change what you may be able to afford.

You can also include or exclude taxes and insurance. If you include them, you can enter your annual property tax, homeowner’s insurance and HOA fees, if they apply to you.

The pie chart breaks down where your payment goes: principal and interest, insurance, private mortgage insurance (if your down payment is less than 20%) and property taxes.

Interest rate is based on a combination of market and personal factors – the current economy, your credit score and how you’ll use the property.

An affordable payment is one you’ll be able to make comfortably each month. This amount should follow the 28/36 rule; it should be no more than 28% of your gross income, and no more than 36% of your total debt.

If you already know what monthly payment you’re comfortable with, you can calculate by that amount as maximum payment. If you would like the calculator to suggest an affordable payment, you can calculate it by providing your income.

Your down payment is toward part of the purchase price. What you pay up front decreases the amount you’ll need to borrow, which is the amount you’ll pay interest on. The larger your down payment, the less interest you pay over the life of the loan. Experts recommend paying 5-20% down; if you pay at least 20% down you eliminate the need for Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).

Some common costs include:

  • Closing costs – these typically are from 3-5% of the loan amount 
  • Moving expenses – trucks, movers, remaining rent payments if you’re renting 
  • Home inspection fees

Mortgage rates can change daily. Check current mortgage rates.

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With Home Insight Planner®, you can view current interest rates and create, compare and save personalized loan scenarios to estimate a monthly mortgage payment that works best for you.

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