Supplier Diversity Tier 2 Reporting

Our prime suppliers’ commitment to diverse supplier inclusion is what makes PNC’s supplier diversity program successful

Reporting Tier 2 Diverse Spend

The Tier 2 diverse spend reporting program is an important piece of PNC’s Supplier Diversity Program that aims to increase opportunities for diverse and small businesses. It also allows PNC to communicate our expectations to large, non-diverse businesses that they too should have supplier diversity as a focus of their sourcing operations. To learn more about our Tier 2 program and begin reporting diverse spend, follow the steps below:

Step 2

The team will create the company a Tier 2 reporting spend profile

Step 3

Once registered, you will receive an email with login credentials and you may begin reporting your diverse spend on a monthly or quarterly basis.

If you have any questions or comments about the PNC Tier 2 Program or the reporting process, submit our Supplier Contact Form

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Diverse Supplier FAQs

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