Video: PNC Retirement 1-on-1®



Mindy Lunn: Welcome to PNC's Retirement 1-on-1® 401K educational program. PNC and your employer are excited to offer this program to you as an added benefit of your retirement plan. My name is Mindy Lunn. I lead PNC's Retirement 1-on-1 program. I've been in the financial industry to offer this program to you as an added benefit of your retirement I lead PNC's Retirement 1-on-1 program. I've been in the financial industry for 18 years, in the past 12 years helping 401k participants save and prepare for retirement. Saving for retirement is a crucial part of your financial journey. So let me help.

We will spend the next couple of minutes discussing why you should be thinking about retirement right now, what the Retirement 1-on-1 program is all about, and how I can help. Think about the last time you went on vacation. How much time did you spend planning for this wonderful vacation you were going to take? How much time did you spend saving for that vacation? Now, imagine if that vacation lasted 20 years or more. You'd probably have to do a lot more saving and planning for it, right? Well, think about retirement as one of the longest vacations you will ever take. It can be an absolutely wonderful time of your life, but you have to plan for it and you have to save for it.

Retirement 1-on-1 is a proactive educational resource. You may receive emails from me periodically throughout the year, if you're identified as someone who could benefit from this program. Now, just as you might work with a travel agent to plan for a vacation, you can think of me kind of like a retirement plan concierge service. I'm here to help you understand if you are saving enough to give yourself the income you need in retirement, that you understand the investment options offered within your plan so that you can make informed decisions on how to make your money work hard for you, to be a resource to help you with your financial wellness journey. And that's at every stage of your career, from just getting started and getting enrolled in the plan, to doing check ins throughout your career. And then what comes next as you get closer to retirement. It all starts with simply setting up an appointment to speak with me over the phone. Now, my only goal is to help you make informed decisions for your retirement plan. With that in mind, I am not contacting you to sell you any additional products or services. I'm truly just here to help.

The conversations I have with individuals are as unique as each person I speak with. I never come to the conversation with an agenda. I'll go in the direction that you take me, and that could be from getting enrolled in your 401k plan. We might run calculations regarding how much you need to save, but also how that savings could look as income in retirement. We can talk about the investment options in your plan so I can help equip you with the knowledge you need to make an informed investment choice. We can use the tools and resources within your recordkeeper's website. I might help you with financial basics such as filling out a budgeting worksheet together. And I can always answer your specific questions. Now, you are not limited to talking to me just once. You have access to reach out to me any time throughout the year and I will keep detailed notes about what we speak about so we can build on this conversation. I really want to help you navigate this benefit all throughout your career. So, let's get to know each other. I want to help get you set up for success. Be on the lookout for emails from PNCRetirement1on1, or simply reach out by sending me an email at this address, and let's get a conversation started. Thank you for your time today. I look forward to getting to know you.
