Business Resiliency

PNC’s Business Resiliency Program

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We know it’s vital for our customers to have access to their finances. No matter what happens, safeguarding the availability of products and services for our customers is essential.

PNC is committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees, contractors, customers, and third parties, as well as safeguarding the ongoing availability of PNC products and services. This is accomplished through effective business continuity, disaster recovery, and crisis management planning.

In support of this commitment, PNC’s Business Resiliency Program is responsible for identifying potential threats to the company, as well as the impacts of those threats. It provides a framework for building organizational resiliency and recovery capabilities that enable PNC to safeguard the interests of key stakeholders, as well as the company’s brand, reputation, and business. In addition to identifying and mitigating internal and external business disruptions, this program was designed to facilitate an efficient recovery of PNC’s facilities, employee work, third parties, technology, and data in the event of a disruption.

The governance structure of PNC’s Business Resiliency Program integrates a top-down direction and governance model through established risk committees, executive management, and clearly defined accountabilities and succession planning across PNC’s business units and staff functions. This includes direct engagement of the board of directors, executive management, and PNC management and staff, as appropriate. Furthermore, a Business Resiliency Committee, composed of functional leaders across the organization, facilitates the ongoing review, prioritization, and execution of business continuity strategies and initiatives.

PNC’s Business Resiliency Program also has established a crisis management strategy that includes crisis teams, plans, and standardized processes. A key component of this strategy involves close coordination with external agencies, authorities, and organizations that have an important role in responding to natural disasters, political unrest, cyber attacks, and other incidents that carry potential risks to the company.

To ensure the success of this strategy and the larger business continuity program, PNC regularly tracks progress in minimizing the impact of internal and external disruptive events. In addition to evaluating threats, including those related to employee health, technical failures, and natural disasters, PNC’s Business Resiliency Program analyzes historical impacts, including loss of technology, third parties, facilities, human capital, and data. Such tracking is used to identify trends and create processes to address future threats more efficiently.

Brilliantly Supporting All of Our Stakeholders

We strive to manage our business responsibly and to do right by all our constituents. We make fact-based decisions guided by our established risk appetite and by what is in the best interests of our customers, our employees, our communities and our shareholders.