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Foreign Exchange for Corporations & Businesses

Benefit from our Extensive Experience and Product Offerings

Innovative Workflow Solutions

Expanding abroad? Managing risk and seizing opportunities go hand in hand. From simplifying transactions online to obtaining foreign currency loans, transferring funds globally and hedging foreign exchange risk, we offer the tools and experience that can help you to reach your goals.

Ícono de gráfico de PNC de administración del riesgo cambiario


Improve cash flow between your international receivables and payables accounts with PNC’s online global payment services.
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Ícono de gráfico de PNC de administración del riesgo cambiario

PINACLE® FX Netting 

Integrate and automate intercompany payables and receivables from your domestic and international entities in one platform. 
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Servicios de cambio de divisas

Expanding your business abroad takes both strategic perspective and tactical support. At PNC, we can help you work through challenges, seize opportunities, open up new markets and mitigate market and currency risk. From simply initiating and paying for foreign exchange transactions via the Internet to obtaining foreign currency loans, transferring funds globally and hedging foreign exchange risk, PNC offers the tools and the experience to help you achieve your goals.

Ícono de gráfico de PNC de administración del riesgo cambiario

Administración del riesgo cambiario

Identify exposures and determine appropriate risk management strategies to help make your business more competitive.
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Multicurrency Accounts PNC dollar sign yen euro pound symbols

Cuentas en múltiples monedas

Establish multicurrency accounts so you can more easily make and receive payments in 30 major and most emerging market currencies.
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International Payments and Receipts PNC Bank globe icon

Foreign Exchange Payments and Receipts

Global business transactions often result in payments and receipts in currencies other than U.S. dollars. Importers are frequently invoiced in foreign currency and need the ability to pay foreign vendors in local currency. Exporters can potentially gain a competitive advantage by billing in local currency.
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Ícono de gráfico de PNC de administración del riesgo cambiario

Foreign Currency Loan Structures

Obtain financing for acquisitions, capital investment or working capital that is denominated in a currency other than U.S. dollars.
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Online Foreign Currency Payments PNC computer icon

Online Foreign Currency Payments

Improve cash flow between your international receivables and payables accounts with PNC’s online global payment services.
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PNC Foreign Currency Services for Travel airplane icon

Foreign Currency Services

Traveling Overseas? Contact your local PNC branch to verify this service is offered. 
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Share a few details about your company's foreign exchange needs and we'll contact you within 1-2 business days. 

Ten en cuenta lo siguiente: Individuals can purchase and sell foreign currency bank notes at most of our PNC branches.
Please contact your local branch for more information.

PNC's Foreign Exchange Sales and Trading Desks

Atlanta: 1-855-852-4700

Boston: 1-888-627-8703

Charlotte: 1-855-543-4026

Chicago: 1-866-245-4696



Denver: 1-844-763-0006

Detroit: 1-800-362-1066


Indianápolis: 1-800-622-7410

Los Angeles: 1-833-540-1286

Milwaukee: 1-844-290-1442

Filadelfia: 1-888-627-8703

Pittsburgh: 1-800-723-9106

San Francisco1-888-891-5265

Washington, D. C.: 1-877-856-6957

  1. Loan Pricing Corporation, 2018.

  2. National Multifamily Housing Council, 2019, Top 10 Syndicators for Affordable Housing.

  3. Outstanding principal balances as of 31 de marzo de 2019.

La información aquí contenida (“Información”) fue producida por un empleado del grupo de divisas y derivados de PNC Bank, National Association (“PNC Bank”). La información no es un “informe de investigación” ni tiene la intención de constituir un “informe de investigación” (según lo definen las regulaciones aplicables). La información trata sobre las condiciones generales del mercado, económicas y políticas o representa un resumen estadístico de datos financieros y no constituye un análisis del precio o mercado de ningún producto o transacción. Esta información es solo para fines de información general y no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento legal, fiscal, contable o financiero, o como recomendaciones para la venta de divisas o títulos valores o para participar en ninguna transacción específica y no pretende constituir una descripción exhaustiva. Under no circumstances should any Information be used or considered as an offer or solicitation of an offer to participate in any particular transaction or strategy. PNC is a registered service mark of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”). Los productos de divisas y derivados financieros son obligaciones de PNC Bank, Miembro FDIC y una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de PNC. Los productos de divisas y derivados financieros no son depósitos bancarios ni están asegurados por la FDIC, ni están asegurados ni garantizados por PNC Bank o ninguna de sus subsidiarias ni compañías afiliadas.

PNC does not provide legal, tax or accounting advice unless, with respect to tax advice, PNC Bank has entered into a written tax services agreement. PNC does not provide investment advice to PNC Retirement Solutions and Vested Interest plan sponsors or participants. You should consult your own legal, tax, accounting and financial advisors.

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