PNC's Advisory Services

Proven solutions for mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, investor relations and optimizing financial performance

Getting Ready for the Future

Many healthcare providers are evaluating strategies for transforming their organizations to prepare for a future of constant change. PNC’s broad capabilities and specialized advisors can help explore and implement mergers, acquisitions, consolidations and internal process improvements.

Harris Williams

Powerful M&A Opportunities Tailored
for Healthcare Providers

PNC offers merger and acquisition (M&A) and private capital advisory services through Harris Williams, a global investment bank specializing in M&A advisory services. Clients worldwide rely on Harris Williams to help unlock value in their business and turn ambitious goals into reality. The firm approaches every engagement with boundless collaboration, pooling expertise and relationships across industries, service offerings, and geographies.

The firm’s Healthcare & Life Sciences (HCLS) Group has expertise across the healthcare spectrum including healthcare providers; outsourced provider services; life sciences tools; provider, pharma, and device distribution; payer tech and services; medical products and devices; clinical lab services; pharmacy; HCIT; and outsourced pharma services.

Solebury Capital
Solebury Strategic Communications

Equity Capital Markets Advisory and
Strategic Financial Communications

Solebury Capital is exclusively focused on equity capital markets advisory. Since 2005, the company has completed more than 575 equity transactions, providing clients with unbiased, independent advice and judgment honed in decades of experience in capital markets transactions at leading investment firms across the globe.

Solebury Strategic Communications includes a premier financial communications boutique dedicated to private and publicly listed life sciences, biotechnology and healthcare companies. We provide comprehensive investor relations and corporate communications services, including investor targeting, C-suite visibility programs, content development, digital and social media, presentation training and environmental, social and governance (ESG) evaluations. Our practice also organizes several special events annually, including capital markets days, key opinion leader (KOL) meetings and our corporate access event in San Francisco each January.

Recursos relacionados


Soluciones para proveedores de atención médica y pagadores

Soluciones de atención médica de PNC ofrece un conjunto completamente integrado y personalizado de herramientas financieras, soluciones y servicios de asesoría para ayudar a los proveedores y pagadores a optimizar el capital de trabajo, los procesos administrativos, mitigar riesgos financieros y acceder al capital para el crecimiento de las inversiones.


Healthcare Matters Newsletter

Read the latest edition of our Healthcare Matters Newsletter to get key takeaways on healthcare industry trends and updates on how organizations are reacting to the ever-changing landscape.


Get to Know PNC Healthcare

Administra el flujo de caja de tu empresa con eficiencia, control y perspectiva. Verifica el desempeño de tu empresa, planifica para el futuro y lleva un control de tus gastos.