Power, Utilities & Renewable Energy

A team of industry-focused bankers delivering a comprehensive
range of financing, risk and treasury management solutions for
Power, Utilities & Renewable Energy clients nationwide

Nationwide Support

PNC’s industry expertise in the Power, Utilities & Renewable Energy sector supports investor-owned electric and gas utilities, renewable energy companies and other privately held companies across the United States. Our team of dedicated industry bankers provides a unique, client-focused approach to helping our clients raise the capital and liquidity they need in a highly capital-intensive industry. We provide capital markets, corporate finance, risk and treasury management solutions to help our clients navigate through a rapidly evolving and complex financial world.

~$10 Billion

in capital committed as of 30 de junio de 2023

60 o más

clients nationwide as of 30 de junio de 2023

Banking, Capital Markets and Corporate Finance Solutions

Traditional Banking through PNC Bank, N.A.

  • Treasury and Cash Management
  • Bilateral Loans (Revolving & Term)
  • Letters of Credit
  • Financiamiento para equipos
  • Receivables Securitization
  • Financiamiento de cadenas de suministro
  • Project Finance (Renewable Energy Focus)

Corporate Finance


  • Liquidity Analysis
  • Debt Capacity & Rating Agency Considerations
  • Capital Structure & Allocation Analysis
  • Company & Industry Analysis

Capital Markets through PNC Capital Markets LLC

  • Préstamos sindicados
  • Primary Public and Private Market Debt Issuance
  • Financiamiento sostenible
  • Tax-Exempt/Municipal Bond Issuance

Servicios de asesoramiento

Harris Williams a subsidiary of PNC, is a global investment bank specializing in merger and acquisition (M&A) and private capital advisory services. Clients worldwide rely on Harris Williams to help unlock value in their business and turn ambitious goals into reality.

Solebury Capital is a leading independent capital markets advisory firm bringing deep product expertise, market knowledge and unbiased advice to the issuers side of the table.

Solebury Strategic Communications provides fully outsourced Investor Relations and Corporate Communications to public and private companies across all industry sectors.

In addition, PNC provides investment and wealth management solutions through our PNC Institutional Asset Management® and PNC Private Bank® groups.

Experiencia en la industria

We have extensive knowledge and experience in the following sub-sectors:

  • Investor-Owned Utilities (Power, Gas & Water)
  • Regulated Local Delivery Companies
  • Transmission Companies
  • Independent System Operators
  • Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind & Battery Storage)

Recursos relacionados


Banca corporativa e institucional

Durante más de 160 años, PNC se ha mantenido estable mientras ha crecido en tamaño, sofisticación y servicio. Hoy día, somos una de las compañías de servicios financieros más grandes, más respetadas y mejor capitalizadas del país.


Perspectivas del mercado

Benefíciate de informes y análisis actualizados sobre la economía estadounidense y mundial, estrategias de inversión, mercados financieros y accionarios y temas de tendencia.


Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones

Toma decisiones informadas y saca el máximo provecho de tu empresa con perspectivas sobre los principales problemas financieros de los expertos de PNC.


Find out how our expertise in Power, Utilities & Renewable Energy
can help move your business forward.

Grant Matthews

Managing Director,
Head of Power & Utilities

Sean Drinan

Managing Director, Head of
Renewable Energy Finance Group