Fusiones y adquisiciones

Powerful M&A Opportunities for Middle Market Companies

PNC offers merger and acquisition (M&A) and private capital advisory services through Harris Williams, a global investment bank. Clients worldwide rely on Harris Williams to help unlock value in their business and turn ambitious goals into reality. The firm approaches every engagement with boundless collaboration, pooling expertise and relationships across industries, service offerings and geographies.

Harris Williams has 8 dedicated Industry Groups including:

Aerospace, Defense & Government Services

Servicios comerciales


Energy, Power & Infrastructure

Healthcare & Life Sciences



Transportation & Logistics

Harris Williams

A Global Investment Bank

Harris Williams, a subsidiary of PNC, is a global investment bank specializing in merger and acquisition (M&A) and private capital advisory services.

Clients worldwide rely on Harris Williams to help unlock value in their business and turn ambitious goals into reality. We approach every engagement with boundless collaboration, pooling expertise and relationships across industries, service offerings, and geographies For over 30 years, our clients have trusted us to think strategically, execute precisely, and deliver premium outcomes to help them grow.

Harris Williams News & Insights

For news, insights and
perspectives from the firm:

M&A Escrow and Paying Agent Services

PNC’s Treasury Management group offers a comprehensive, end-to-end suite of M&A-related escrow and paying agent services.

PNC PAID is an industry-leading technology that streamlines the historically paper-based payment process in private M&A transactions. It allows shareholders to complete, submit and sign deal documents online.

Recursos relacionados


FINRA BrokerCheck

Verifica los antecedentes de PNC Capital Markets LLC en BrokerCheck de FINRA.


Informes económicos

Los economistas de PNC proporcionan análisis y pronósticos de las tendencias económicas y financieras nacionales, regionales y globales proporcionadas en una variedad de publicaciones.


Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones

Toma decisiones informadas y saca el máximo provecho de tu empresa con perspectivas sobre los principales problemas financieros de los expertos de PNC.