Gestión de activos

Whether you need directed trustee, custody, sub-accounting, pension
payment services or more, PNC Institutional Asset Management can help.

Qué hacemos

Servicios de custodia

Flexible services for your needs 

Our custody team brings in-depth knowledge and the technology to provide security settlement, portfolio administration, and pension payment services supporting clients and consultants.

We provide custody services to clients with a wide variety of needs. Your dedicated team will understand the needs of your accounts and be able to help proactively provide ongoing oversight and timely support.

Sub-Accounting Advantage

Helping you meet challenges 

We offer nonprofit institutions and donors a comprehensive platform that can help manage multiple pooled investment accounts.

As a fiduciary, you have an obligation to meet the high standards set by those who have entrusted their assets to your care. With rising expectations among donors, the challenge for fiduciaries can be daunting. Our platform provides clear, concise and customized sub-accounting information efficiently and can help reduce investment and administrative costs.

Looking for Escrow Services?

El equipo de depósitos en garantía de PNC puede proporcionar respuestas rápidas y soluciones flexibles para tus necesidades de depósito en garantía.

Our Clients

  • Corporaciones
  • Healthcare Systems
  • Unions/Taft-Hartley
  • Instituciones financieras
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Educación superior
  • Planes de jubilación
  • VEBAs & OPEB
  • Government & Municipal Entities
  • Corporaciones
  • Healthcare Systems
  • Unions/Taft-Hartley
  • Instituciones financieras
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Educación superior
  • Planes de jubilación
  • VEBAs & OPEB
  • Government & Municipal Entities

Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones

Tome decisiones informadas y saque el máximo provecho de su empresa con perspectivas de los profesionales de PNC sobre los principales problemas financieros.

Administrar activos

Revisión del mercado de pensiones - Cuarto trimestre de 2024

PNC Institutional Asset Management ofrece perspectivas y resúmenes sobre el mercado de pensiones para el cuarto trimestre de 2024.

Administrar activos

Healthcare Investment Management: Strategies for 2025

Prepare for the future of healthcare investment management. Learn how to navigate challenges and leverage opportunities in the healthcare sector.

Administrar activos

Foco de atención en el riesgo de pensiones: Consejos esenciales para tener éxito en 2025

Obtenga perspectivas estratégicas sobre la administración del riesgo de pensiones en 2025. Descubra cómo los factores económicos cambiantes afectan la estabilidad financiera de los directivos y asesores corporativos.

Comunícate con PNC Institutional Asset Management

Thank you for your interest in our trust, custody,
or sub-accounting services.

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