Sub-Accounting Advantage
For our institutional investment management clients, sub-accounting offers a comprehensive platform that can help manage multiple pooled investment accounts.
Qué hacemos
PNC Sub-Accounting Advantage is backed by sophisticated technology and a talented team of professionals dedicated to understanding the unique characteristics of the nonprofit sector.
Since 1992, PNC Sub-Accounting Advantage has helped to improve organizations’ investment management and record-keeping with minimal disruption and cost. We welcome the opportunity to work with your organization to help you meet your fiduciary responsibilities and goals.
At PNC Institutional Asset Management®, we offer a comprehensive platform that can help manage multiple pooled investment accounts. Fiduciaries face significant responsibilities that put a strain on limited time, resources and expertise. As a fiduciary, you have an obligation to meet the high standards set by those who have entrusted their assets to your care. With rising expectations among investors, the challenge for fiduciaries can be daunting.
Helping You Overcome Challenges
Whether you’re overseeing the investment-related activity of a donor-advised fund, endowment, foundation or charitable institution, the demands on your staff could include recordkeeping, asset management, report generation and distribution, among others. If gaps in any of these areas pose obstacles for your organization, we can help.
Improved Investment Management & Reporting
You can control asset allocation at the organizational or participant level by investing in units of one or more investment fund pools that you establish in compliance with applicable securities laws, and with clearly defined investment objectives and benchmarks. PNC Institutional Asset Management can act as the sole investment manager or as one of several.
We can combine various blended portfolios managed by different asset managers into one pool at any participant level — equity, fixed income or money market — and can accommodate multiple money managers for any specific investment pool.
Electronic Reports & Statements at Organization and Participant Levels
PNC Sub-Accounting can help you and your staff accommodate documentation requests by boards of directors, staff members, auditors or beneficiaries. Distributed electronically, these reports and statements can be customized with your clients’ logos and include:
- Consolidated detail report
- Fund summary report
- Fund historic value summary report
- Statement of admissions and withdrawals
- Participant reports
I-Hub: Secure online Access to Your Account 24/7
Our system provides instant access to all custody, accounting and securities transaction data, as well as the ability to create custom reports and download data reports. The system can also be set up to initiate and manage cash, trading, or benefits transactions for most account types. Approval flows for transactions are customizable and tailored to meet your organization’s needs with options such as dual approvals, submitter cannot approve own work, and approval limits.
Clients have 24-hour online access to account reporting and account processing through I-Hub at no additional charge.
Soluciones subcontratadas de director de inversiones (OCIO, por sus siglas en inglés)
Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones
Tome decisiones informadas y saque el máximo provecho de su empresa con perspectivas de los profesionales de PNC sobre los principales problemas financieros.
Administrar activos
Revisión del mercado de pensiones - Cuarto trimestre de 2024
PNC Institutional Asset Management ofrece perspectivas y resúmenes sobre el mercado de pensiones para el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
Administrar activos
Healthcare Investment Management: Strategies for 2025
Prepare for the future of healthcare investment management. Learn how to navigate challenges and leverage opportunities in the healthcare sector.
Administrar activos
Foco de atención en el riesgo de pensiones: Consejos esenciales para tener éxito en 2025
Obtenga perspectivas estratégicas sobre la administración del riesgo de pensiones en 2025. Descubra cómo los factores económicos cambiantes afectan la estabilidad financiera de los directivos y asesores corporativos.
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