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Customized Investment Solutions for Healthcare Organizations


Descripción general

Integrated teams delivering customized cash, operating liquidity, and
long-term portfolio solutions.

Our dedicated professionals can help you optimize short-term liquidity and reserve assets, balance overall risk management with investment opportunities, minimize volatility of pension plan funded status, align your organization’s investment strategy to your mission, and more.

Specialized Investment Capabilities and Services

PNC Healthcare Asset Management delivers deep experience across all asset pools for healthcare organizations:

  • Operational liquidity strategies (operating cash, reserve cash, strategic reserves, long-term operating pools)
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Defined contribution plans
  • Foundations and endowments
  • Insurance pools, including captive insurance

Proven Results Across the Healthcare Industry

PNC delivers tailored solutions to a variety of clients across the healthcare spectrum:

  • Nonprofit providers
  • For-profit healthcare organizations
  • Healthcare foundations
  • Payors
  • Physician groups
  • Billing companies
  • Labs
  • Ambulatory-care companies
  • Home healthcare
  • Extended care
  • Continuing care
  • Life plan communities

The PNC Difference

With our vast resources and in-depth knowledge of an array of healthcare fields, PNC is positioned to offer powerful solutions that meet your unique needs.


Experiencia en la industria.

Our PNC Healthcare Asset Management professionals are active in the industry, up to date on the regulatory environment, and committed to providing direct support to our clients.

A Dedicated
Investments Advisor

Your investment advisor is your single point of contact, serving as your relationship manager and working with a team of specialists to help drive your success.

More than
Asset Management

Through PNC Healthcare, you have access to a full suite of services and products, including lending, treasury management, deposit banking and more.


Customizable, Proprietary Reporting Tools

PNC’s continuing investment in technology means you have access to the information you need, at your convenience.

Inversión responsable

Not only can we help you achieve your investment goals, we aim to do so in a way that reflects your organization’s values and helps you make a positive difference in your community and the world. That’s why we utilize a responsible investing (RI) strategy that aligns with issues that are important to you, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, that:

  • Avoid harm by excluding or restricting certain portfolio exposures that conflict with your mission and values
  • Benefit stakeholders that support certain values or causes by assessing and engaging on ESG factors
  • Contribute to solutions by defining goals around a specific ESG problem and allocating capital toward that objective



Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado

Superar las dificultades: los proveedores de atención médica buscan estabilidad en 2024

¡Ya llegaron los resultados de la encuesta de Soluciones de atención médica de PNC 2024! Conozca las prioridades de los proveedores en 2024 mientras el sector continúa estabilizándose.

Lectura de 5 minutos

Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado

Aseguradoras de salud: cómo abrirse camino en la agitación

Para las aseguradoras médicas, el año pasado trajo consigo la confluencia de desafíos. Aún así, el sector tuvo un crecimiento continuo al igual que nuevas oportunidades estratégicas.

Lectura de 5 minutos

Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado

Las organizaciones de atención médica y la banca: Por qué las relaciones son importantes

Brian Kelly de PNC ofrece perspectivas sobre la importancia de que una organización de atención médica tenga una relación sólida con su banco.

Lectura de 3 minutos


Work with us today. Para obtener más información, por favor, comunícate con:  

Todd McCullough

Director General, Gestión de Activos de Soluciones de Atención Médica de PNC, PNC Institutional Asset Management

Contact PNC Institutional Asset Management®

Please complete and submit the form below and a PNC representative will be in touch
with you shortly.

* Campos obligatorios


The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”) usa el nombre comercial PNC Institutional Asset Management® para las diversas inversiones institucionales discrecionales y no discrecionales, fideicomiso, custodia, consultoría y servicios relacionados provistos por PNC Bank, National Association (“PNC Bank”), el cual es un Miembro FDIC, y actividades de administración de inversiones realizadas por PNC Capital Advisors, LLC, un asesor de inversiones registrado en la SEC y una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de PNC Bank. PNC uses the marketing name PNC OCIO PremierSM for outsourced chief investment officer services provided by PNC Bank. PNC utiliza los nombres de mercadeo Retirement 1-on-1® y PNC Financial Wellness Achievement CenterSM para los servicios de educación para empleados proporcionados por PNC Bank. PNC uses the marketing name PNC Gifting Portal® for platform access and sub-accounting services provided by PNC Bank in connection with donor-advised funds. PNC no proporciona asesoría legal, fiscal ni contable, a menos que, con respecto a la asesoría fiscal, PNC Bank haya firmado un contrato de servicios fiscales por escrito. PNC Bank no está registrado como asesor municipal en virtud de la Ley de Reforma de Wall Street y Protección al Consumidor Dodd-Frank.

“PNC,” “PNC Bank,” “PNC Institutional Asset Management,” “Retirement 1-on-1” and “PNC Gifting Portal,” are registered marks, and “PNC Financial Wellness Achievement Center,” and “PNC OCIO Premier” are service marks, of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

Inversiones: No están aseguradas por la FDIC. No están garantizadas por el banco. Podrían perder valor.

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