Portfolio Solutions

Offered by PNC Investments. Portfolio Solutions is a flexible managed account experience. Investors can choose to work with a PNCI Financial Advisor to customize a portfolio, or select from approved third-party asset managers to pursue a specialized investment strategy.

Key Features


Portfolio Solutions is designed to allow you to construct a portfolio tailored to your personal needs and goals.


Investors gain access to carefully screened and professionally monitored investments and portfolio managers.


Investors engage in personalized consultations to discuss investment preferences and work through ideas.


What Is It?

A comprehensive investment program that includes access to a carefully screened and monitored universe of investment options and third-party managers, allowing investors to pursue a specialized investment philosophy.

In terms of your investment philosophy, Portfolio Solutions – sponsored by PNC Investments – offers you access to two distinct options.

  1. You can choose a Portfolio Solutions non-discretionary wrap program, in which you will work directly with a PNCI Financial Advisor and remain involved in day-to-day investment decisions. 
  2. Alternatively, you may elect a Portfolio Solutions Strategist discretionary wrap program and utilize third-party money managers to make day-to-day portfolio decisions on your behalf.


What It Can Do for You

  • Allows you the flexibility to customize an investment strategy to help meet your unique needs
  • Personalized investment advice and guidance from a PNC Investments Financial Advisor
  • Program provides for a diversified asset allocation and periodic rebalancing
  • Leverage a professionally screened list of investment managers and funds
  • Tax awareness opportunities

Additional Information

Investment Due Diligence

The due diligence process begins with a preliminary screening of industry databases to identify manager candidates and funds, subject to both quantitative and qualitative review. This review is conducted by PNC Bank's Investment Advisor Research team before being approved by PNC Investments' Investment Due Diligence Committee. The due diligence process continues with regular reviews of managers and investments available on our platform, such as performance monitoring against specific benchmarks, and an assessment of investment style consistency.

Pricing & Fees

For more detailed information regarding Portfolio Solutions, including fees and program minimums, please carefully review the Form ADV Part 2A Disclosure Document.

More Information

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