PNC Enterprise File Transfer

PNC Enterprise File Transfer Help Line: 1-800-765-3193

  • Outbound files that have not been successfully downloaded within 24/7 days will be automatically deleted and will no longer be available for pickup.
  • Outbound files will be available for download ONE time. If for any reason you need to download the file again, you must call the PNC Enterprise File Transfer Help Line
  • Inbound files must be submitted with the correct file name or they will not be processed by the automation agents.
  • All file names are CASE SENSITIVE.

When calling into the PNC Enterprise File Transfer Help Line, please be prepared to provide the following:

1. Contact information:

  • Your name
  • Your company name
  • Name of the technical PNC Enterprise File Transfer contact that you were working with (if known).
  • Phone number and email address where you and the technical contact can be reached.
  • PINACLE® User ID if applicable

2. Transmission information:

Protocol -

Specific details on the transmission problem:

  • User ID, File Name
  • The date the transmission last worked
  • The date the transmission first failed
  • What has been done so far to attempt to trouble shoot the problem?
  • Has there been a change since the last successful transmission?

3. Severity guidelines:

  • What time will the transmission be considered late?
  • If the transmission is delayed, how will this affect your business?
  • How often is this transmission sent?
  • Is there a work around?