We provide secure, one-stop access for all of our online commercial banking services.
We provide secure, one-stop access for all of our online commercial banking services.
1. Contact information:
Your name
Your company name
Name of the technical PNC Enterprise File Transfer contact that you were working with (if known).
Phone number and email address where you and the technical contact can be reached.
PINACLE® userid if applicable
2. Transmission information:
Protocol - https://efx.pnc.com/pncfilexfer
Specific details on the transmission problem:
User ID, File Name.
The date the transmission last worked.
The date the transmission first failed.
What has been done so far to attempt to trouble shoot the problem?
Has there been a change since the last successful transmission?
3. Severity guidelines:
What time will the transmission be considered late?
If the transmission is delayed, how will this affect your business?
How often is this transmission sent?
Is there a work around?
Read a summary of privacy rights for California residents which outlines the types of information we collect, and how and why we use that information.
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved.