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Real-time access that helps you confirm identity and bank account details before making a payment
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PNC Account Verification Services can help confirm the existence and identity of your counterparties, empowering your organization to make payments with confidence and avoid financial loss. Our services provide organizations timely information about the identity, bank account and digital footprint of the individuals and businesses your organization interacts with.
Helps confirm the existence of a U.S. bank account, its status, standing, maturity, ownership or signatory authority and other key data points prior to initiating a payment involving that account
Helps confirm the existence and identity of individuals and businesses,
as well as details regarding their digital and social media footprint, prior
to onboarding them as payment counterparties
PNC Account Verification Services offer flexible tools that can help you onboard and transact with counterparties with greater confidence.
Over the last few years, social engineering scams have exponentially grown to the level of a financial epidemic.
Criminal are constantly looking for and finding ways to exploit business’ weaknesses through the use of Email Imposter Fraud and Account Takeover Fraud, waiting for someone to take the bait – don’t let it be you or someone in your organization.
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Over the last few years, imposter fraud schemes such as social engineering and identity theft, and related scams like Email Compromise and Account Takeover have exponentially grown to the level of a financial epidemic.
Email Imposter Fraud scams resulted in nearly $2.7B in financial loss in 2022[2] – a number that has grown steadily over the last few years and remains elevated.
With PNC Account Verification Services, you can help your organization overcome these common challenges when making payments:
Transact the correct payment with the right counterparty the first time
A payment that should not have been made, was made in an incorrect amount,
or was made to an unintended recipient
Criminal poses as a trusted source to convince its target to take action
or make payment
PNC Account Verification Services can integrate directly into your systems, via API or file transfer services, or can be accessed via PINACLE®, PNC’s corporate online and mobile banking platform.
Please visit PNC’s Developer Portal for more information regarding APIs.
PNC Account Verification Services uses information contained in a wide array of sources that include—but are not limited to—bank consortium data, credit bureau information, death records, law enforcement and public records.
In response to each verification inquiry, you will receive standard and repeatable responses that speak to the degree to which the information you have submitted matches that on record for the inquired entity and/or the bank account you believe them to own or control, as well as additional details—if available—to help support those responses and allow you to make informed decisions regarding your intended domestic payment counterparties.
Yes, PNC Account Verification Services is considered a commercially reasonable fraudulent transaction detection system that can help your organization adhere with the Nacha rule requiring entities that facilitate Internet-initiated ACH Debit Entries (Standard Entry Class Code: WEB) to screen such payments for potential fraud.
Organizations that have adopted PNC Account Verification Services use the solution to help enhance their entity onboarding and payment due diligence processes. This includes confirming the identity of intended domestic payment counterparties—including, but not limited to, vendors, customers and employees—and the bank accounts that they are believed to own or control both upfront and on an ongoing basis, based on requested changes to standing payment instructions and other factors or events.
To the extent that every payment made carries the inherent risk that it will not settle as intended, virtually every U.S. organization stands to benefit by using PNC Account Verification Services to help reduce the risk of improper domestic payments.
For product and service related questions, please contact your Treasury Management Officer or
Treasury Management Client Care (TMCC) at 1-800-669-1518.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please fill out this short form so we can get in touch with you. By completing this form, you are authorizing us to contact you (via
email and/or phone) to answer your questions and provide information
about Account Verification Services.
PNC Treasury Management serves companies with over $5 million in annual revenue.
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1 Source: Source: Association for Financial Professionals; 2023 Payments Fraud and Control Survey
2 Source: 2022 Internet Crime Report (FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center)
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