PNC Bank Canada Branch
Privacy Notice

Effective Date: August 4, 2022


This Privacy Notice (“Notice”) outlines how PNC Bank Canada Branch (“PNC Canada”, “we” “our”) collects, uses, discloses and safeguards the privacy of the Personal Information in its possession or control regarding its customers or individuals associated with its customers.

From time to time, PNC Canada may amend or update this Notice and will make reasonable efforts to inform you of any material changes or amendments to this Notice.

“Personal Information” is “information about an identifiable individual” and includes any factual or subjective information, other than certain information excluded by law. This includes, but is not limited to:

Name Email Address Credit card history
Mailing Gender Credit information
Telephone number Financial status Social insurance number
Date of birth Health status Marital status


Personal information, however, does not include anonymized information (information that is aggregated and cannot be used to identify an individual either alone or in combination with other information).

Who Are We?

PNC Bank, National Association (“PNC Bank”, “PNC”) is an authorized foreign bank carrying on business in Canada under the name PNC Bank Canada Branch. We remain committed to keeping Personal Information secure, accurate and confidential.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

We collect personal information:

  • about individuals who work for, or interact or engage with our clients or their affiliates in relation to the initiation of and ongoing transactions/relationship between PNC Canada and its potential client or its affiliates; or
  • as legally required to do so.

PNC Canada or an agent of PNC Canada limits the collection of Personal Information to that which is necessary for the purpose or purposes identified by PNC Canada.

PNC Canada or an agent of PNC Canada may collect the information:

  • directly from you;
  • from public sources; or
  • other sources with your consent.

Use of Personal Information

PNC Canada may collect, use and disclose your personal information for:

  • providing requested products and services;
  • verifying the identity of authorized signatories of our clients; ultimate beneficial owners of clients who are individuals, or individual associated with such individuals; individuals who are sole proprietorships or individual loan guarantors of our clients, third parties or related third party services; or
  • compliance with internal risk assessments including but not limited to:
    • detecting and deterring money laundering and terrorist financing offences or financial crimes; or
    • evaluating credit worthiness; or 
    • security and processing requirements.
  • compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including reporting to Canadian and foreign governmental agencies where required by law.

PNC Canada may use and disclose your personal information to prospective assignees, assignees and other third parties in connection with the proposed or actual financing as part of normal course activities or other disposition of PNC’s business or assets.

PNC Canada may share your personal information:

  • for our marketing purposes to offer you suitable products and services;
  • for providing services via third-party providers; e.g., data processing or account administration;
  • for our every-day business purposes with regard to your business transactions and experiences with PNC.


When a client applies to PNC Canada for product or service, PNC Canada asks for consent to collect, use or disclose Personal Information, if required. PNC may rely on implied consent when you provide requested information to PNC Canada in connection with the delivery of a product or service to you by PNC Canada. If the Personal Information is provided by someone other than the person to whom the information relates, the person providing the information to PNC Canada must represent and warrant that he/she has the consent from the person to whom the information relates to collect, use and disclose his/her personal information for the purposes PNC Canada describes.

You can withdraw consent for the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as long as:

  • you provide PNC Canada with reasonable notice;
  • there is no legal requirement for PNC Canada to collect, use or disclose this personal information;
  • the withdrawal of consent does not constrict PNC Canada’s ability to provide to you with a product or service; and there is no outstanding obligation between you and PNC Canada.

Access & Accuracy

You can ask for access to and correct your Personal Information, subject to applicable restrictions or make other enquiries or ask for a copy of PNC Canada’s Customer Privacy Policy. You can contact:

Chief Privacy Officer
PNC Bank N.A
Eighth Floor, 225 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

You may contact the Chief Privacy Officer to verify and update your personal information. If PNC Canada learns that it has disclosed inaccurate or stale data about a client to a third party, PNC Canada will contact the third party to correct the error.


PNC Canada Branch will retain Personal Information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the information was collected and in accordance with legislated time-periods.


PNC Canada protects Personal Information with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information and in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws. PNC Canada has physical, technological and procedural safeguards in place to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

All members of PNC and any third-party service providers PNC Canada engages or who acts on behalf of PNC Canada are required to adhere to those same security safeguards and they are permitted to access this information subject to confidentiality obligations.

We may store customer's Personal Information anywhere PNC operates, such as the United States. As such, your personal information may be subject to applicable foreign legal requirements, for example lawful requirements imposed on PNC to disclose personal information to government authorities in those countries.

Cookies & Similar Technologies

PNC Canada may collect and store information on your computer in a “Cookie” when you visit PNC Canada’s website. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website stores on a visitor's web browser to remind the site about the visitor the next time they visit the site.

PNC Canada does not store confidential or sensitive information in Cookies. PNC Canada uses Cookies to:

  • enhance your experience on the Site, by making navigation easier; or
  • tailor information to better match your interests and preferences; or
  • customize marketing and advertising information.

PNC Bank N.A. manages PNC Canada’s website. For more information on PNC’s Online and Mobile privacy statement Visit PNC Privacy Policy.

Policy Information & Contact Us

If you have any questions about the PNC Canada Privacy Policy or any complaints, you can contact us by writing to:

Chief Privacy Officer
PNC Bank N.A
Eighth Floor, 225 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

If complaints and/or enquiries involve the Chief Privacy Officer directly or in his/her absence, you can direct your questions, concerns, or complaints to:

Principal Officer
PNC Bank Canada Branch
Suite 2140, 130 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1E4

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada investigates privacy issues under the Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. If a customer’s complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the customer and concerns a privacy issue under federal law, customers may address their concerns in writing to:

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1H3