ALERT: PNC text messages will only come from certain five- or six-figure “short codes”. Check Out Our Most Commonly Used Codes »

Security & Privacy Center

Information, technology and offerings aimed at protecting your personal and financial information.

Important Updates 

Don’t Fall for Digital Payment Scams!

If you suspect that you've received a fraudulent text or e-mail that appears to be from PNC Bank:

Do NOT respond. Do NOT click on any links. Do NOT provide any personal information. Forward the email or a screenshot of the text message to PNC Bank Delete the email or text message.

Don’t Click! Fraudulent Text Messages are on the Rise

PNC will never send a text message to you from an email or a phone number. Valid PNC text messages will be sent by five- or six-number “short codes.”

If ever contacted by someone claiming to be from PNC, contact us from a different channel – phone, text, email – and verify before engaging.

Employ Situational Awareness When Using ATMs and While in Public

Your personal safety starts with being aware of your surroundings. Check out our Physical Security tips to learn how to be safe in parking lots, ATMs and more.

Get Smart on Scams

Visit this resource page from the American Banking Association to learn how to avoid scams.

Contact Us

We stand ready to help guide you every step of the way and get your credit, identity and account information restored as quickly and completely as possible to minimize damages.

Stay informed of known issues impacting PNC services and customers

Report fraudulent or suspicious
activity with your account

Report a fraudulent message
or phishing attempt

Report a vulnerability

Receive additional help and support


Understanding and recognizing fraud is an effective way of helping to prevent it from happening to you. Learn about our tools to detect potential fraud before it's too late.

An Added Layer of Security

Protecting your personal and financial information is one of our top priorities. That's why we offer you these security features that add a dual-layer of protection to your online account.

Security Tips

Knowing how to protect yourself is the best attack deterrent, so please review our valuable cyber security tips.

Reporting Fraud

In the event you become a victim of identity fraud, the sooner you report fraud or identity theft, the faster PNC and the authorities can take steps to assist you.

Learn How to Spot & Report Phishing

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt, usually made through e-mail or phone, including text messaging, to steal your personal information.

Set Up Account Activity Alerts

Stay informed by setting up alerts and easily monitor your accounts via email or text message.

Detect and Remove Malware

We have partnered with a leading expert in financial security, Trusteer Rapport, to offer online fraud protection software FREE to our customers.

Learn about how our products, services
and account features help to protect you.

Using Online Banking

EV SSL Certificates provide an extra layer of security that lets you know you are on the authentic PNC Online Banking site and can safely continue to sign on.

Using Your Card for Purchases

Innovations in card technology, like EMV Chips, help to protect your personal information.

Shopping Online

Protect yourself and your identity when shopping online with your debit or credit card, using services like Visa Secure.


We protect your privacy. We follow a clear set of guidelines each time we talk with you about your accounts or share your information with others. Find out about our privacy practices:

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy by treating your financial and personal information responsibly.